Mechano-Informatics Laboratory

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Problems in modern society do not fall only into a single specialized field. Under the prospects for the future, methods to solve these problems are formed comprehensively by linking them with various technologies and scientific elements, whilst
placing harmony to limit the environmental problems and resource problems, and with traditional culture and values at its base.
The System Engineering and Science Course aims to nurture researchers and engineers who have an ability to identify cross-disciplinary problems involving multiple disciplines and who have comprehensive problem-solving skills. In order to achieve
this goal, students will establish the issues facing modern society in a flexible manner based on science and technology, culture and values, society and the environment, and the ethics for engineers as their basis, they will use specialized
knowledge, which will become the core of their own research, as well as the background knowledge beyond disciplinary frameworks and system thinking acquired through completing, 1. Compulsory subjects; 2. Research guidance and specialized subjects;
3. Elective subjects; 4. Common subjects.
This course has set the goal that students will be able to establish the issues in modern society in a flexible manner based on science and technology, culture and values, society and the environment, and the ethics for engineering practice.
As their basis, they will use the specialized knowledge, which will become their core knowledge, as well as the background knowledge beyond the disciplinary framework and system thinking. They will also acquire the skills to identify cross-disciplinary
problems and comprehensive problem-solving skills. Shibaura Institute of Technology will confer the Master's degree in System Engineering to those who have registered with the Master's Program for the prescribed period, when the above-described
objectives are judged to have been achieved through completing the compulsory subjects, research guidance and specialized subjects, elective subjects and common subjects in the program as well as completing a Master's thesis.
The requirements for completion to achieve the goals above are specifically determined as follows.
Students will acquire:
In relation to these requirements for completion, the assessment criteria for a Master's degree are defined as follows.
Criteria for the judgement of the Master's thesis are as follows:
“The submitted Master's thesis includes information confirming that the candidate has presented more than one paper at an academic conference*, or the thesis should include an equivalent result.**”
* This includes a presentation at a lecture, an annual meeting, and a seminar or a symposium of an academic association, a presentation at an international conference, publication of an article or a letter in an academic journal, or equivalent
** Results equivalent to a presentation at an academic conference refers to results produced other than at an academic conference such as obtaining a patent, or a result equivalent to a presentation or publication at an academic association
or in an academic journal.
For the purpose of achieving its educational and research objectives, this course will implement the following synthesis (synthesis thought) led education and research:
The System Engineering and Science Course, which is characterized by interdisciplinary education and research, seeks students who :