利用案内&講習/User guide & training

利用案内/User guide

教員各位/To all faculty members

初回登録時に、研究室ごとの予約システムのIDを発行します。 昨年度利用されていた方はそのままのIDをご利用ください。
Please submit an application form for each fiscal year. Application Form(Shared Research Facilities and Manufacturing Center) Click here
For each laboratory at the time of initial registration, Reservation system ID is issued. If you used it last year, please use the same ID.

利用の流れ/Flow of use

Upload and submit an application form by Google Forms.
You will be contacted by e-mail with your reservation system ID (first time only).
Please reserve your own equipment through the reservation system.
Please use the equipment on the day of your appointment.

運営時間/Operating hours

上記の時間外で装置使用を希望する場合、指導教員の許可・責任の下、使用することが可能です。 扉付近にあるカードリーダーに学生証をかざし、オートロックを解除したうえで入室し、機器を利用してください。
9: 00-17: 00 from Monday to Friday, excluding university holidays. Please use the room / equipment under the direction and guidance of technical staff / student staff.
If you wish to use a device outside the above hours, it can be used after obtaining the permission of the responsible supervisor.
To use the device, enter the facility using the ID card. Hold the student ID card over the card reader near the door to unlock the door to enter the Techno Plaza facility.

問い合わせ先/Contact information

In principle, any questions, opinions, requests, or other inquiries to the Center should be referred to the office via the mailing list.
In the case of inquiries from students, please include your supervisor or class instructor in the same message.

装置の講習/Equipment training

機器を利用するにあたり、公開講習、依頼講習(対面)、ビデオ講習などで使い方を学び機器を利用してください。 既利用者からの引継ぎでも大丈夫です。
To use the equipment, please learn how to use the equipment through public training, requested training (in person), or video training. You can also take over from an existing user.

公開講習 /Public course

講習予定表で日時と内容を確認してください。Please check the date, time and content of the course on the course schedule.
講習予定表/Course schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RqLZIcpGJAYdXkKuiD4NwkUVEXVVWyKSFdgOadawFeQ/edit?usp=sharing
下記フォームから申し込みしてください。Please apply using the form below.

講習の受付〆切は講習を行う日の7日前まで。The deadline for registration is 7 days prior to the date of the course.

講習受付フォーム/Course registration form: https://forms.gle/QKcyk2spNJsE2RSG8
当日講習を受けてください。Please take the course on the day.

依頼講習 /Requested training

 希望する装置の公開講習が設定されていない場合、下記リンク先で、装置名を入力して検索してください。 担当の学生職員一覧が表示されますので、講習を依頼してください。
If there is no public course for your desired device, please search for it by entering the name of the device at the link below. A list of student staff in charge will be displayed, so please request a course.


ビデオ講習/Video training

ビデオ教材/Video material: リンク 芝浦のグーグルアカウントからDLできます。You can download from your Shibaura Google account.
コロナ禍対応のため、オンデマンド講習に切り替えています。 これを対面講習に置き換えていただいても大丈夫です。
We are switching to on-demand training to accommodate the Corona Disaster. You can replace this with an in-person training course.

講習例 X線CTの場合/Example of course X-ray CT
講習手順/Training procedures
(1)上記のビデオ教材に進んでください。Please proceed to the video material above.

(2)芝浦グーグルアカウントにて At Shibaura Google Account
   日本語講習動画の中の、 In the Japanese language training video,

    ・001X線教育訓練 日本語版/X-ray training Japanese version
    ・001ポケット線量計の使い方/How to use the Pocket Dosimeter

の動画を見ていただき、X線教育訓練の場合はhttps://forms.gle/uVVchcpyt68NTgFc8にて、見た旨回答をしてください。 その後、装置をご利用ください。
Please watch these video and in the case of X-ray education and training, reply that you have watched it at the URL above. Then please use the equipment.

 X線教育訓練/X-ray education and training
X線等(放射線)を用いる装置を利用する場合、年一回、放射線が人体におよぼす影響についてのビデオ講習を閲覧して下さい。 講習ビデオはビデオ講習(001)にあります。
If you use equipment that uses X-rays, etc. (radiation), you are required to view a video training session on the effects of radiation on the human body once a year. The video is available at Video Training (001). When you have finished viewing the video, answer the following questions at the URL above.
受けたい講習が公開講習予定表またはビデオ講習に無いときは techno-staffアットマークsic.shibaura-it.ac.jp までご連絡ください。
If the course you want to take is not on the public course schedule or video courses, please contact us at techno-staffアットマークsic.shibaura-it.ac.jp.
事故時の連絡体制/Contacting details in case of emergency or accident
If you have an emergency such as an accident, please follow the communication network posted at the reception (Rules of Shibaura Institute of Technology, Safety Guide).
In case of equipment trouble, please post a note on the equipment that it cannot be used and report the trouble directly or by e-mail to the attending shared staff.
In case, if it is difficult to determine the state of emergency response, consult with your responsible supervisor.