
1.テクノ工房(Techno Studio)の案内 What is the studio?

Techno Studio is a space for students to use for educational and research activities under the responsibility of their supervisors.
For example, the Techno Studio can be used as space of electronics and mechanical development, and experimental verification of robotic system etc.


2.利用条件と利用料 Use Conditions and Usage Fee

  To use Techno Studio, pre-registration by each laboratory is required.
  Annual usage fee is required. Please contact the reception desk for the detail.
  The main usage purpose shall be research activity of each laboratory.
  Additionally, it is allowed to use the techno studio for educational and research activities organized by supervisor such as a seminar in laboratory.


3.常設機器 Equipment and Instruments

(1)モーションキャプチャシステム Motion Capture System
  品名: NaturalPoint社製 OptiTrackシリーズ Prime41*
(2)仕切ネット Partition Net for Safety
  5 Digital Oscilloscopes, 10 Digital Multimeters, 5 DC Stabilized Power Supply
  Tools for electronics and mechanical development