Purposes of Education and Research
Master’s Program:
The aim of the Master’s Program is to foster engineers and researchers, who have the knowledge and awareness of experts in their field of specialization, be able to respond immediately to new aspects of society and further contribute to the construction of a sustainable society and community. Such human resources are required to have the ability to identify problems and solve them quantitatively, backed by a high level of specialized knowledge, as well as the ability to cope with a global society. In order to cultivate these abilities, the Master's Program provides education and research that combines a wide range of internationally accepted insights with flexible thinking.
Doctoral Program:
The Doctor’s Program aims to increase researcher’s potential and targets Master’s Program graduates and engineers actively battling current issues. The purpose of the Doctor’s Program is to foster engineers and researchers who hold abundant academic knowledge. The field of one’s expertise is deepened from an interdisciplinary point of view, and a comprehensive outlook that covers both soft and hard engineering aims to the acquisition of skills that make it possible to create harmony in a system as a whole. Furthermore, in order to foster PhD holders able to act in the manufacturing industry the Doctor’s Program cultivates sigma type experts, who possess and are able to combine versatile engineering skills, technology management skills and metanational abilities.
The education and research of the Doctor’s Program, whose essence lies in the training of experts as mentioned above, also holds the essential role of research promotion, which is the mission of the university.
Diploma Policy
Master’s Program:
The purpose of the Master's Program of the Graduate School of Engineering and Science is to train engineers and researchers who can solve various global problems for the realization of a sustainable society in collaboration with engineers and researchers around the world.
Based on the above objectives, the Graduate School awards the degree of Master of Engineering (Engineering, Systems Science and Engineering, Science and Engineering, or Architecture) to those who have satisfied the requirements for completion set forth by the Graduate School and have been recognized as having the knowledge, abilities, and qualities described below based on their academic performance and the results of the thesis examination.
- Advanced and broad expertise in science and engineering.
- Flexible thinking and the ability to solve quantitative problems.
- Communication skills to cope with global society.
- Awareness of the diversity of the world and society, and high ethical standards.
In addition, students who have completed the lecture courses of the Technology Management Sub-Major Program and obtained the required credits will be awarded the Technology Management Sub-Major Program Certificate.
Evaluation criteria for dissertations
Items | Details |
1.Standard of Thesis Dissertation | The standards to be met for a thesis dissertation are based on the degree examination standards specified for each major in Article 6 of the Degree Regulations of Shibaura Institute of Technology. (芝浦工業大学学位規程第6条) |
2. Structure of Thesis Review Committee | In accordance with Article 6 of the Degree Regulations of Shibaura Institute of Technology, the thesis final defense will be examined by the thesis review committee consisting of members designated by the Graduate School of Engineering and Science Committee.In addition to the student's supervisor, the thesis review committee shall consist of at least two academic advisors or instructors who are in charge of class subjects related to the thesis, as specified in the Regulations for the Examination of Full-time Faculty Members of the Graduate School of Engineering and Science, Shibaura Institute of Technology. |
3.Method of the thesis final defense | Reviewing and final defense of Master’s thesis will be will be conducted by oral examination focusing on the master’s thesis for each course.The evaluation in the final defense is a rubric that corresponds to the degree reviewing items for each course. |
4. Review Items | Based on diploma policy as specified in Article 6 of Degree Regulations in SIT (芝浦工業大学学位規程第6条), the thesis will be reviewed based on the following items.
Doctoral Program:
The Doctoral Program of the Graduate School of Engineering and Science aims to nurture researchers and engineers who can work together with researchers and engineers from around the world to solve various global problems for the realization of a sustainable society and who can independently conduct creative research.
Based on the above objectives, the Doctor of Engineering degree will be conferred on those who satisfy the requirements for completion set forth by the Graduate School and who, based on their academic performance and the results of the dissertation examination, are deemed to possess the knowledge, abilities, and qualities described below. If the main content of the dissertation includes elements other than engineering, a doctoral degree (academic) will be awarded.
- Ability to harmonize the entire system from a comprehensive standpoint.
- Ability to promote and develop excellent, creative research.
- Ability to become a highly specialized researcher
- Advanced communication skills to cope with global society.
- Awareness of the diversity of the world and society, and high ethical standards.
In addition, students who complete the lecture courses of the Technology Management Sub-major Program and obtain the required credits will be awarded the Technology Management Sub-major Program Certificate.
Evaluation criteria for dissertations
Items | Details |
1.Standard of Thesis Dissertation | The standards to be met for a thesis dissertation are based on the degree examination standards specified for each major in Article 6 of the Degree Regulations of Shibaura Institute of Technology. (芝浦工業大学学位規程第6条) |
2. Structure of Thesis Review Committee | The Doctoral dissertation will be examined by the Thesis Review Committee consisting of the following members as determined by the Graduate School of Engineering and Science Committee in accordance with Article 12 of the Degree Regulations of Shibaura Institute of Technology (芝浦工業大学学位規程第12条).
3.Method of the thesis final defense | The doctoral dissertation will be examined twice, a preliminary examination and a final examination, and the examination will be conducted by an oral examination focusing on the doctoral dissertation. Generally, the final examination will be open to the public.The evaluation in the examination is conducted using a rubric that corresponds to the thesis examination items for each course. |
4. Review Items | Based on diploma policy as specified in Article 6 of Degree Regulations in SIT (芝浦工業大学学位規程第6条), the thesis will be reviewed based on the following items.
[Doctoral Degree by completing of the Course]
Those who have been enrolled in the Doctoral Program for a specified period of time and who have met the completion requirements under the academic rules as professional engineers or researchers with abundant academic knowledge through taking lecture subjects and writing doctoral dissertations. A doctoral (Engineering) degree will be awarded to those who have been judged to have the qualities to be able to stand on their own and who have met the degree examination criteria indicated by the major. In addition, if the main content of the dissertation includes elements other than engineering, a doctoral (Academic) degree will be awarded.
[Doctoral degree by Thesis Submission (Doctoral dissertation)]
Applicants who are not enrolled in a doctoral (second semester) program and who have been engaged in research and development work for at least five years after graduation (including the time spent in a master's program for those who have completed a master's program), or who are recognized by the Graduate School of Engineering and Science Committee as having an equivalent background, may apply for the award of a doctoral degree by submitting a thesis. Upon receipt of the application, the Graduate School of Engineering and Science examines the applicant's academic ability and the content of the thesis submitted. As a result, the Graduate School of Engineering and Science will confer the doctoral degree to those who are judged to have the same or higher academic and research abilities as those who have completed a doctoral program, and who have already established themselves as professional engineers or researchers with a wealth of academic knowledge, and who meet the degree examination standards specified by the Department. If the main content of the dissertation includes elements other than engineering, the doctoral degree (Academic) will be awarded.
Curriculum Policy
Master’s Program:
In the Master's Program of the Graduate School of Engineering and Science, the curriculum is organized based on the following policies in order to train engineers as stated in the Diploma Policy.
In order to foster engineers, the curriculum is organized based on the following policies.
- Specialized courses are offered in English to develop basic communication skills in specialized fields that can be applied in a global society. In addition, it is possible to obtain the credits for the specialized subjects required for a degree only in English.
- Students are required to take the "Research Guidance" course by engaging in specialized research under the research guidance of a faculty supervisor. In the "Research Guidance" course, students formulate a research plan, research related papers, discuss with their supervisors, give presentations at domestic and international conferences, and publish academic papers to develop engineers and researchers who can play an active role in global society.
- In order to develop an awareness of the diversity of the world and society, as well as a sense of ethics and basic communication skills, common subjects across majors will be established.
- The Graduate School of Engineering and Science has established the Technology Management Sub-Major Program, which consists of a portion of the Common Courses, with the aim of fostering human resources with sigma-type integrated capabilities that combine multifaceted engineering, technology management, and metanational capabilities. The Graduate School of Engineering and Science encourages students to take this program.
Doctoral Program:
In the Doctoral Program of the Graduate School of Engineering and Science, the curriculum is organized based on the following policies to cultivate researchers and engineers as stated in the Diploma Policy, so that students can study their expertise from a comprehensive perspective in terms of both software and hardware.
- The curriculum is organized based on the following policies in order to cultivate expertise from a comprehensive perspective in terms of both software and hardware: 1) Specialized subjects are arranged in order to cultivate the advanced knowledge and experimental skills necessary for the preparation of doctoral dissertations.
- In "Research Guidance," under the research guidance of a faculty advisor, students formulate a research plan, research related papers, engage in discussions with the faculty advisor, make presentations at domestic and international conferences, and publish academic papers, thereby developing researchers and engineers who can play an active role in global society.
- In order to develop future autonomous researchers and educators, "Pre-FD subjects" are arranged.
- In addition, we encourage students to take the "Technology Management Sub-Major Program" as a part of the common subjects in the Master's Course in order to develop human resources with sigma-type integrated capabilities that combine multifaceted engineering capabilities, technology management capabilities, and metanational capabilities.
Admission Policy
Master’s Program:
The master's program offered by the SIT Graduate School of Engineering and Science has a high level and wide range of specialized knowledge and flexible thinking ability. It is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills for making a difference in the world and able to work together with engineers and researchers to solve the world's problems for the realization of a sustainable society. In order to train students who are interested in studying and researching at our university, we accept the following types of students
- Those who have a strong desire to study and research at our university and wish to achieve self-improvement and self-realization at the university.
- Those who have basic and specialized knowledge at the bachelor level, ambitious and curious, and are willing to take any challenges.
- Person who can comply with engineering ethics.
- Person with basic communication skills including foreign languages, basic presentation skills and basic management skills.
Doctoral Program:
In the doctoral program of the SIT Graduate School of Engineering and Science, we aim to foster researchers who are able to promote research at universities and can collaborate with other researchers and engineers around the world to solve world problems for the realization of a sustainable society. The aim is to train researchers and highly specialized professionals with a wide range of international insights and flexible thinking abilities with a high degree of specialization.Therefore, we are seeking the following enrollees.
- Those who have a strong desire to study at our university and wish to achieve self-improvement and self-realization at our university.
- Those who have completed a master's degree program or are active in the front lines of society and have advanced research promotion capabilities.
- Person who can actively develop new fields.
- Person who can comply with engineering ethics.
- Person with communication ability including foreign language, presentation ability and management ability.