List of position holders

Faculty Organization

President YAMADA, Jun
Vice President TAKASAKI,  Akito
IWATA, Tomoko
College of Engineering Dean KARIYA, Yoshiharu 
College of Systems Engineering and Science Dean SAWADA, Hideyuki 
College of Design Engineering  Dean YAMAZAKI, Kenichi
School of Architecture Dean AKIMOTO, Takashi
Graduate School of Engineering and Science Dean HASEGAWA, Tadahiro

Director of Center/Chief/Diretor of Headquater/General Manager

Multidisciplinary Industry-Academia Collaboration Center Diretor of Headquater YAMADA, Jun 
Diversity Equity and Inclusion Promotion Office General Manager IWATA, Tomoko
Science Information Center Director of Center  ISHIWATA, Tetsuya
SIT Research Laboratories Chief NISHIKAWA, Hiroyuki 
Community Cooperation and Lifelong Learning Center Director of Center  YAMAMOTO, Sota 
International Programs Center Director of Center  KIMURA, Masaomi 
Admissions Center Director of Center  ARAI, Tsuyoshi
Career Support Center Director of Center  KUWATA, Hitoshi 
Student Affairs Center Director of Center  ISHIZAKI, Satoshi 
Educational Innovation Center Director of Center  SAKAKIBARA, Nobuhisa
Health & Well-Being Total Support Office General Manager HAMANO, Manabu
Office of SDGs Initiatives General Manager IWATA, Tomoko

Contact Academic Affairs Section
3-7-5 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8548, Japan (2F Classroom and Administration Building Toyosu campus)
TEL+81-(0)3-5859-7340/ FAX +81-(0)3-5859-7341