Undergraduate Program

Innovative Global Program (IGP)

As society continues its rapid globalization, worldwide technological innovation is occurring through the fusion of multiple science and engineering fields into new cutting-edge fields.

Such a society requires leaders who are not just specialists, but possess broad knowledge and a global perspective, also capable of responding flexibly in interdisciplinary research that fuses different fields, and who are capable of leading international teams.

The new Innovative Global Program -IGP- at SIT’s College of Engineering will be established in October 2020 with the aim of fostering such individuals.

For more information, please click the image as below.

Special Entrance Examination for International Students

Shibaura Institute of Technology(SIT) has sixteen (16) departments in four (4) colleges. International students can apply to up to two different departments under this special entrance examination.

College of Engineering

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Engineering Science and Mechanics
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Applied Chemistry
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Electronic Engineering
  • Information and Communications Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Civil Engineering

College of Systems Engineering and Science

  • Electronic Information Systems
  • Machinery and Control Systems
  • Planning, Architecture and Environmental Systems
  • Bioscience and Engineering
  • Mathematical Sciences

College of Design Engineering

  •  Design Engineering

School of Architecture

  •  Architecture

Innovative Global Program
Diploma Policy / Curriculum Policy

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Admission Policy
Derived from our founding philosophy, the objective of this university is to cultivate "global science and engineering citizens who learn from the world and contribute to the world." The Innovative Global Program (IGP) fosters individuals with the ability to solve various global problems to achieve a sustainable society by leveraging a broad knowledge of science and engineering, and who are also suited to becoming such "global citizens." Accordingly, the type of students sought for the IGP is described below, and admission selection will be based on these attributes.

1.Those who can gather information, think creatively and communicate with others using English.
2.Those who have already acquired higher academic skills in mathematics and science.
3.Those who are able to understand cultural differences and respect diversity.
4.Those who love to embrace challenges.
5.Those who have a strong interest in learning through research-based study.
Diploma Policy
Innovative Global Program aims to foster people capable of leading international teams to solve complex science and engineering problems throughout the world.
Innovative Global Program will grant a degree to students who are judged to have the following abilities and meet the academic requirements for graduation.

(A) Ability to possess broad view and knowledge, and skills in science and technology to work on various kinds of problems.
(B) Ability to understand, respect, and accept diversity in a global society, and cooperate with people from various backgrounds for international teamwork.
(C) Ability to make ethical decisions and practice ethically as an engineer who contributes to society.
(D) Ability to guide a team as a leader for the purpose of problem resolution.
(E) Ability to solve various problems in the world towards a sustainable society.

Curriculum Policy
To achieve the goals stated in the Diploma Policy, Innovative Global Program designs the curriculum, conducts educational activities, and evaluates the students’ learning outcomes based on the following policies.

1. Throughout the four years, students are required to take Advanced Engineering Research Courses where to each student one supervisor and two advisers are assigned. Each student belongs to their supervisor’s laboratory and learns through a research project under the guidance of their supervisor and the laboratory members. At the end of every semester, each student gives a presentation on their learning outcomes, and receives feedback from their supervisor and the two advisers. They also have opportunities to discuss their research with faculty members from various countries and research fields. Through these activities, students are expected to broaden their view and knowledge in science and technology, and develop the skills to solve various problems in society as well as the ability to respect diversity in a global society.
(a) In their first year, students learn concrete skills for problem-solving from their laboratory members by working on a given research project.
(b) In their second year, in every quarter, each student visits a different laboratory from their supervisor’s laboratory and learns in the laboratory, enabling them to work on several different research fields to broaden their view.
(c) In their third year, each student fixes their supervisor, decides their graduation thesis’ topic, and starts to work on their graduation thesis. Working on their thesis topic with the laboratory members, students are expected to develop the ability to make ethical decisions and practice ethically as an engineer.
(d) In their fourth year, each student forms a research team with junior students in their laboratory, completes their research projects in the team, and presents their research to scholars in their field at an international conference. Through these activities, students learn leadership and how to guide a team for problem-solving.

To support the research activities described in 1. above, the following are offered:

2. In their first year, students’ interest in various fields of engineering is stimulated by Introduction to Advanced Engineering Courses where the cutting-edge research of almost all faculty members in the college of engineering is introduced.

3. During the first two years, students build their solid foundation of scientific knowledge, methodology, and practical skills by studying in Natural Sciences, Mathematics, and Computer Science courses needed to prepare for advanced research.

4. More advanced Specialized Courses are undertaken, mainly from second to third year, to acquire deeper knowledge and help students choose their graduation research project.

5. In Liberal Arts courses, focused on Communication, Social Science and Humanities, students learn to confirm the wider social significance of their own research, and gain motivation to tackle various social problems.

Towards a seamless transition to postgraduate study at the Shibaura Institute of Technology such as that in Graduate School of Engineering and Science,

6. In their fourth year, students can undertake advanced specialized courses in graduate schools. Also, in their fourth year, students start their preparation to study abroad for a part of their postgraduate education.

Contact Admissions Section
3-7-5 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8548, Japan (2F the Centennial Main Building, Toyosu Campus)
TEL +81-(0)3-5859-7100 / FAX +81-(0)3-5859-7101
E-mail nyushi@ow.shibaura-it.ac.jp}