Course-Taking Sandwich Program

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  • The Course-Taking Sandwich Program allows students to take courses at Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) while attending their home university for 1 or 2 semesters (up to 1 academic year). 
    For example, a student may study at his/her home university for the first two years, study at SIT for the third year, and then return to his/her home university to complete the degree. 
Acquire new knowledge taught in English
Gain new perspectives in the field of Engineering at the SIT facility
Explore different cultures and perspectives in multural environment

Hands-on learning in the capital of Japan, Tokyo
Over 100 English-based Courses
Wide range of study options in science and engineering fields 



The applicant must :

      • Be an undergraduate/graduate student of a university.
      • Complete this program at SIT and return to his/her home university before graduating.
      • Have a good command of English* (CEFR B2 equivalent or higher).
      • Be physically and mentally healthy. (Health checkup and health certificate will be required after you accepted by SIT officially)
      • Register for more than 6-period (600 minutes) of courses per week for the entire semester.

* CEFR B2 is equivalent to TOEIC 785-940, IELTS 5.5-6.5, TOEFL iBT 72-94, TOEFL ITP Level 1 & 2 543-626, Cambridge English FCE 160-179, Cambridge English CAE 160-179, and Cambridge English (CPE) 162-179 (These scores may change from time to time)
* Native English speakers and English-based degree students do not need to submit an English proficiency score.
* If the applicant hasn't taken the English proficiency test listed above, his/her home university may provide a letter certifying the student's English proficiency.



SIT Partner University applicants:

• Application (Registration) fee: JPY30,000
• Admission fee: All Waived
• Tuition: All Waived

Non-Partner University applicants:

• Application (Registration) fee: JPY30,000
• Admission fee: JPY40,000
• Tuition (Course takers only): JPY15,000/credit

*Confrim the list of SIT Partner University
*The application (registration) fee must be paid at the time of application.

*Admission fees and tuition will be charged after the program begins.

How to apply

Application Period Entry Period Result Announcement
October 1st - October 31st Spring Semester Entry Mid-December
April 1st - April 30th Fall Semester Entry End of June

Course Schedule and Registration 

    • Look under “SIT Mobility Program Participants
    • Check all the available courses by clicking “All courses” or select by the department. You can take courses from any department.
    • You can take courses from both the Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels if you meet the prerequisites for each course.
    • You need to confirm the syllabus for each course.
    • Be aware of the campus location. Each campus is far from the other, so please consider the travel time to each campus when registering for courses.
    • All students must attend classes for a minimum of 600 minutes per week for the entire semester in order to maintain their student visa.

Program Schedule  

Spring Semester Entry Fall Semester Entry
Application Result Announcement Ealy December Early June
Zoom Meeting for Before Arrival Late December Late June
Coming to Japan Mid to End March Early September
Program Start (Orientation) Early April Mid September
Course Registration Early to Mid April Mid to late September
Class start Mid April Late September
Program End

<One semester Program>
Late July

<Two semesters Program>
Late January

<One semester Program>
Late January

<Two semesters Program>
Late July

Return Home Country

<One semester Program>
Early to Mid August

<Two semesters Program>
Early to Mid February

<One semester Program>
Early to Mid February

<Two semesters Program>
Early to Mid August

Grade Report Announcement Late August Late February
Official Transcripts Mid September Mid March
*The date will be updated each semester, with the exact date to be announced via email.

Office of International Services
3-7-5 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8548, Japan (4F the Centennial Main Building, Toyosu Campus)
TEL: +81-(0)3-5859-7140 / FAX: +81-(0)3-5859-7141