How to apply for Tokyo International Exchange Center (TIEC) via SIT?

Although we don't have a dormitory near the Toyosu campus, there is a dormitory called the "Tokyo International Exchange Center (TIEC) owned by the Japanese governmental organization, JASSO, in the Odaiba district which is very close to the Toyosu campus.

TIEC is a residence for both foreign and Japanese graduate students, and there are many SIT students who live due to the location.
Not only a residency, but it also functions as a hub for international exchanges.

-See the basic information below-
[ Eligibility ]
- You must be a
master or higher-level student (either of SIT or the home university if the applicant is a student under the exchange program with SIT).
- You must stay in Japan for
more than 90 days(with student VISA).

[ Application materials]
The application must be submitted via SIT.  No individual application is accepted.
Please fill in the files based on the instructions written and submit them to the Division of Global Initiatives (see contact)

Application documents :
1) Application for Tokyo International Exchange Center (Form 1)
2) The proposal for implementation (Form 3)
3)  Applicants Information list  
4) Recommendation Letter Format (55KB)
5) Pledge (Form 14)
6) Copy of the passport

7) Letter of Acceptance
*Additional documents if you are already living in Japan
8) Copy of SIT student ID card (both sides)
9) Copy of residence card (both sides)
10) Copy of the stamp in the passport when you land in Japan.

[ Application schedule]
The application is accepted throughout the year depending on when you start staying at TIEC.
Please submit the documents by the "
Deadline at SIT" of each month.  

                                                       << See below application schedule >>
入居希望日(入居初日) 学内締切 (参考)TIEC 締切 (Ref.) Deadline at TIEC 結果通知
The date you wish to move in. Deadline at SIT Result notification
March 1 - March 31, 2024 Jan. 24, 2024 Feb. 1, 2024 Feb. 15, 2024
April 1 - April 30, 2024 Feb. 21, 2024 Mar. 1, 2024 Mar. 15, 2024
May 1 - May 31, 2024 Mar. 25, 2024 Apr. 1, 2024 Apr. 15, 2024
Jun. 1 - Jun. 30, 2024 Apr. 23, 2024 Apr. 30, 2024 May. 15, 2024
Jul. 1 - Jul. 31, 2024 May. 27, 2024 May. 31, 2024 Jun. 14, 2024
Aug. 1 - Aug. 31, 2024 Jun. 24, 2024 Jul. 1, 2024 Jul. 16, 2024
Sept. 1 - Sept. 30, 2024 Jul. 24, 2024 Aug. 1, 2024 Aug.15, 2024
Oct. 1 - Oct. 31, 2024 Aug. 26, 2024 Sept. 2, 2024 Sept. 17, 2024
Nov. 1 - Nov. 30, 2024 Sept. 24, 2024 Oct. 1, 2024 Oct. 15, 2024
Dec. 1 - Dec. 28, 2024 Oct. 23, 2024 Nov. 1, 2024 Nov. 15, 2024
Jan. 4 - Jan. 31, 2025 Nov. 25, 2024 Dec. 2, 2024 Dec. 16, 2024
Feb. 1 - Feb. 28, 2025 Dec. 19, 2024 Jan. 6, 2025 Jan. 15, 2025
[ Screening ]
You must pass the screening to stay in TIEC. The screening is applied based on the application documents but is mainly determined by the vacancy of TIEC.

[ Contact / Application submission ]
- Full-time students:
- Exchange students:
Title: (TIEC) Entry month_Your name       

Ex. (TIEC) 2021July Entry_Shibaura Taro

[Other issues]
- How can I extend the stay at TIEC? 
- How can I move out from TIEC?
Q & A (TIEC official site) :

How can I extend my stay at TIEC?

Your contract with TIEC is for a maximum of 1 year at a time, so you need to apply for the extension if you wish to continue staying at TIEC after the one-year contract. You may apply for the extension if you meet the eligibility of living at TIEC
2 months in prior to the last day of your current contract.
You can stay at the TIEC for up to 3 years in total.
The application is submitted via SIT, so please submit the following documents.

Application documents :
1) Pledge
2) Copy of your student ID card (both sides)
3) Copy of the residency card (both sides)

[ Contact / Application submission ]
Division of Global Initiatives, SIT

How can I move out from TIEC?

You need to submit the “Moving-out Notification” to the TIEC Admission office 1 month prior to the moving-out date.
On the document, there is a part to be filled by the university, so please bring the document to the international office when you fill up the necessary part on your side.

If you couldn't find an answer to your question or concern,
-For enrolled students: you can inquire us through the Scomb we shared when sending you the Before Arrival Guideline.
-For prospective students: you can inquire from