Thinking about architecture by visiting sites where structures are being built and actually creating things
It is necessary to consider the health of residents and reduce the environmental burden when building architectures. Several research approaches are available to address this issue. However, our laboratory’s motto is to investigate, analyze and delve into what is actually done by professionals in pertinent architectural projects. At our summer study camp, we learn best ways to create things while repairing an old building.

- Faculty Name
- KANISAWA, Hirotake
- Keyword
- Building methods,Wooden architectures,Production systems,Development of educational programs,Interiors,Development of teaching materials
- Laboratory location
- Centennial Main Building TOYOSU Campus 8F 08K06
This lab is for this SDG activity:
- Architecture
- Engineering and design
- Housing studies
- Economics
Our laboratory conducts various joint research projects in collaboration with other universities, industrial associations and non-profit organizations, etc. These projects involve the succession and evaluation of architectural techniques, development of measures to spread the renovation of houses rather than rebuilding them and creation of new technologies to build wooden architectural structures. All of these are useful to society although they are concerned with the basic areas.
- Research on technologies to further develop wooden housing and carpenter techniques
- International comparisons regarding architectural production systems and technologies (with the United States, Britain, Southeast Asian countries, South Korea, among others)
- Study on measures to enhance the building productivity of housings developed using industrial technologies
- Research on the treatment of skilled construction workers and the functions of specialized construction projects.